Today You are You..That is Truer than True..There is No One Alive Who is Youer than You


This is a “Dr. Seuss Zentangle Inspired Garden”  as taught by Marie Browning, a CZT and author from British Columbia. Marie wrote and illustrated  “Time To Tangle with Colours” and is a “Tombow Marker” expert.  The inspiration came from the fact that Dr. Seuss was from a nearby town, Springfield Ma. After  Marie taught us how to draw funky flowers, cute little ladybugs and pretty dragonflies, we filled them in with oodles of tangles and learned how to add beautiful colour with Tombows.  I absolutely loved all of Marie’s innovative and neat ideas and I love Tombow markers. I will be doing a lot of these art pieces.

And then, of course we added our favourite Dr. Seuss saying in the border.   I chose “Today You are You..That is Truer than True..There is No One Alive Who is Youer than You ” .  “ALIVE” perfectly describes my time spent with this  amazing, talented, artistic  group of Zentangle teachers.

Watch for my next posting for another of my new workshops –  “Organic Garden on Toned Paper” taught by Dr. Meredith Yuhas, a CZT from Connecticut.



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